Stephen W. Schlissel
Divorce Law - Garden City, NY

We guide our clients through one of the most difficult periods of their lives. While it is true that we handle difficult and complex cases, the objective is generally the same: To achieve a meaningful agreement and to help minimize the impact on everyone involved, especially the children.

The divorce process can consist of many layers of complexity. Our firm's experience and expertise helps to effectively sort through and resolve those difficult issues more quickly. We undertake to manage the process - in every case we are more than simply attorneys, and we help to prepare our clients for their challenges post-divorce.

As attorneys we always anticipate the possibility of litigation, but the most preferred outcomes are those based on well negotiated settlements. Spouses are much more likely to comply with an agreement made in a sensible and workable settlement rather than one imposed upon them by a Court.

Success in family law is the result of expertise, hard work, and an understanding of, and dedication to, a client's needs and interests. Ultimately it's fairly simple: When a lawyer really cares about people, she or he's going to have more successful outcomes.

Stephen W. Schlissel
"Success in family law is the result of expertise, hard work, and an understanding of, and dedication to, a client's needs and interests."