Francis J. Hartman
Criminal Defense Law - Moorestown, NJ

I know I've mellowed a bit, but I think most people have known me as a tough adversary. I'm still a no-nonsense kind of lawyer, and I expect I'll always be.

Everyone is afraid of the unknown, and a lot of what I do is help remove the fear of the unknown. When you come to me I'm going to tell you what's likely to happen - if I think your case can be negotiated with authorities, or whether I think it will go to trial. If there are anti-social or destructive elements in a case - such as drug abuse - I'll recommend, to the client and to prosecutors, some form of pretrial intervention.

So I am a guide. If you are going to a foreign country, you need a guide. For a person facing criminal charges - and a powerful and huge government judicial process - that's the role I play for my clients.

Some say that trial lawyers are egotistical - well, they are probably right. Because we have to be. Every day the courtroom experience had a lot of ups and downs - a judge will dress you down in a minute. And when I go home every night, the wellsprings of my own ego help recharge me. I know I've always had a lot of confidence - but I think that's what's inside every good criminal attorney.

Civil litigation was never really for me. Civil cases can take three years of more of your time. I just don't want to be in that morass of litigation neurosis.

I've always been a criminal-defense attorney. It was very unusual for a senior partner of any firm to be a criminal lawyer. But that's where I made my name.

Do I love the law? It's more than that. The law defines me. It's going to define me forever. And I'll be practicing law until my body won't let me any more.

Francis J. Hartman
"Do I love the law? It's more than that. The law defines me."