Amy Smith
Divorce Law - Haddonfield, NJ

Most of my clients would probably agree when I say this: I am brutally honest, and I don't sugarcoat things just to make my clients feel good. Yes, a client may feel he or she is at rock bottom. And you know what? They probably are - but the fact is, things are going to get better. It's my job to help you get there, to a better place.

For a lot of clients it's easy to be caught up in resentments - of what's happened, of what they feel has been inflicted upon them. And some lawyers make all of that worse - they encourage it, egg their clients on. One of the first things I noticed about divorce law was that there are too many lawyers making things worse in a case, even more so than the client.

In that respect, I have a different background from many other divorce lawyers. In the Burlington County prosecutor's office we saw and handled it all - from the most depraved and dysfunctional situations you can imagine. I have a lot of courtroom experience. That was unique preparation for what I do today - my experience gives me a special perspective.

There is that old saying, "In criminal law you see bad people at their best -- and in divorce law you see good people at their worst." Believe me, I have seen both, and everything in between.

Our firm is a true team - we consult one another on cases, and we share our knowledge and expertise. We do focus on the litigation process, but the fact is most cases settle, even on the morning of trial. I am still in court a lot, though, often several times a week.

I am amazed about the role technology and social media are playing in our work. Not a day passes when we are not retrieving a passing remark made by someone on Facebook - what's amazing is what people still post, and they somehow think it's private. It never is.

So I encourage accountability for all my clients. Take the high road, more often than not. Consider the impact of your conduct on your children. I am a mother, and I am more sensitive to the way children are impacted than ever. As I tell my clients, do the right thing for the children.

I practice in a lot of counties, and some jurisdictions, and courts and judges, are more conservative than others. What may result in one judge's courtroom may be totally different in another. Part of my role for clients is to know those differences, and to guide them to an outcome that's best for them. Most of all, though, I work to stay objective, to be a true adviser. I like to see people at the beginning of the process - and at the end. Because you know what? They are different people in the end. I work hard to get my clients to a better place, and I am proud of that.

Amy Smith
"I work hard to get my clients to a better place, and I am proud of that."
Phone: (856) 795-9400
Fax: (856) 795-9469
Gettysburg College, B.A. 1996
Widener University School of Law, J.D. 2000
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