Hope F. Rosen
Divorce Law - Fairfax, VA

Member, American Bar Association

Member, Virginia State Bar

Virginia State Bar Professionalism Faculty, 2016-2019

Prince William County Bar Association

Virginia Women's Attorney Association

Virginia Trial Lawyers Association

Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts and Circuit Courts throughout Northern Virginia

Admitted, Virginia Court of Appeals

Admitted, Commonwealth of Virginia Courts, 2002

Member, Ten Leaders - Matrimonial and Divorce Law, Northern Virginia - Age 45 & Under, Inducted 2016

Hope F. Rosen
"I bring determination and resolve to all my cases, for all my clients. I'm proud that I can make a difference for them."
Phone: (703) 222-3333
Fax: (703) 222-3340
College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, BA, 1997
George Mason University School of Law, 2002
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